
2024年3月26日—ToallowHTTPrequestsreachtheoutsideworld,wemaintainacachingHTTPproxyineachdatacenter.Theyareexposedusingservicesentries ...,2019年2月13日—ProxyserverperformsInternetobjectcachefunctionbystoringrequestedInternetobjects,i.e.,dataavailableviaHTTPandFTPprotocolsona ...,2009年4月4日—Aproxyserverisaserverthatactsasaliaisonbetweenaclientseekingresourcesandaserverthatcanprovidethatresourc...

HTTP proxy - Wikitech

2024年3月26日 — To allow HTTP requests reach the outside world, we maintain a caching HTTP proxy in each datacenter. They are exposed using services entries ...


2019年2月13日 — Proxy server performs Internet object cache function by storing requested Internet objects, i.e., data available via HTTP and FTP protocols on a ...

Proxy Server

2009年4月4日 — A proxy server is a server that acts as a liaison between a client seeking resources and a server that can provide that resource.

Web Proxy Wikipedia

Web proxy Wikipedia refers to the use of web proxies to access and browse the Wikipedia website. A web proxy acts as an intermediary between a user's device ...

Welcome to NGINX Wiki!

This is the NGINX Wiki. NGINX is a free, open-source, high-performance HTTP server, reverse proxy, and IMAP/POP3 proxy server.

What is a Proxy Server? Definition + Explanation

A proxy server is a dedicated server or software system running on a computer. It acts as a gateway between a client (for example, a computer) and a server. The ...


代理伺服器,又叫網絡代理,係指幫一個網絡節點(用戶端,例如屋企入面啲電腦),以「代理人」 嘅身份去間接同第三個網絡節點(目標)連接嘅一種伺服器。代理伺服器入面 ...


代理伺服器(Proxy Server),是網絡上一些傳送訊息的中轉節點,是屬於的第五層會話層的設備。 在說明什麼是代理伺服器前,就先要了解何謂Proxy。代理服務(Proxy)是 ...



TinyProxy。輕量級HTTP Prxoy

TinyProxy。輕量級HTTP Prxoy
